


To have a holistic care system for orphans complete the care, we must cooperate with society on the concept of the importance of quality care through unifying quality standards for care homes to apply and raise healthy, productive, and socially integrated children and youth. Since the beginning of its journey, Sanad Society has been working to raise the awareness of society about orphans, their needs, the important role of the care leaver and surrogate mother, as well as the responsibility of the volunteer and the sponsor towards children and youth without parental care.

Sanad Society has launched a number of awareness campaigns to highlight the cause of children and youth without parental care, including:

  • #Ebny_Ensan#

  • Alamhom_wataneyahom#

  • Amanhom_Awlawya#

  • #Mesh_Zay_Ay_Om

  • #Mayhemenish

  • #An_Al_Awan

  • #El_Osool_Bet2ool

  • #A3zam_Mehna

  • #Ashan_Nekabarhom_Sah

  • #Kol_Man_Rabani_Heya_Omi

  • #E3rafny

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