children without parental care in the world (UNICEF, 2014)
children are without parental care in Africa (SOS Children’s Village2023)
orphans in Egypt (MoSS 2023)
According to the basic principles of humanity and the best interest of every child, providing family care is essential. As stated by The Guidelines of Alternative Care of Children developed by the UNICEF, family-based care is healthier than institutional care. However, alternative care in Egypt mainly comes in the form of institutional care homes where the law stipulates that the child is expected to leave the care at the age of eighteen. Most children are let out at that age, especially males, and many homes allow the females to stay until they are a little older or married.
A handful of homes provide accommodation for care leavers as per the National Quality Standards for Alternative Care (NQS). While the NQS have managed to identify certain aspects on preparing children for leaving institutional care and supporting them in the transitional period till they finish their education and find a sustainable source of income, they are still not fully enforced, leading to an ineffective transition.
Youth transition into adulthood is a real challenge. With insufficient rehabilitation, they are expected to be independent, employed, self-sustaining, productive, and engaged members of society. This systemic vacuum represents a serious threat. The problem expands with the increasing number of care leavers, who themselves get involved in illegitimate practices and become a source of new children without parental care.
providing a safe environment for younger orphans, empowering youth, facilitating their integration within the community, equipping all parties involved in the system, paving the way for the Kafala System, and enlightening the society about the essentiality of its support.
Vocational Qualification in Child Care (2012) Sanad was internationally accredited by PEARSON to provide a professional certificate for care givers, a certificate that promotes child and youth development.
PEARSON Accreditation (2016) A quality assurance certification supporting all educational training processes and programs in Sanad.
Quality Standards for Care Homes (2014) An accreditation given by the Ministry of Social Solidarity applied in collaboration with PwC.
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