







“Everyone is the Hero of their own story, free to draft this story with their own belief system and values.”

My achievement is that I'm simply still alive. I don't look back and I’m content with God’s plans for me.”

One night, in 2016, Marouane couldn't see his own reflection in the mirror. To that extent it was dark and blurry inside him. That was his life turning moment. Marouane was always misunderstood, unable to communicate what he truly feels.  He was always grounded, always in trouble.  He found shelter in solitude; reflecting and making new intentions. He made a decision to overcome a past packed with traumas. He found strength in acknowledging them and choosing to heal slowly. “My goal was to understand myself, so that others don't misunderstand me.” he says. It turned from a moment of hardship to a moment of self-awareness. 

As his new journey begins, the invisible forces of the universe unite to take him to new shores. It starts with a painting competition, then a rebellious step to choose what to study, and finally getting involved in Sanad’s Youth Forum in 2018, which witnessed his journey of maturity through those seven years.

“Our endeavors had to be out of self-motivation, not the result of peer pressure.”

For Marouane, Sanad’s Youth Forum- A forum for youth without parental care aims to empower them to exchange experiences and challenges -  wasn’t about learning and networking, but the fact that he could finally support his cause, which he never got the chance to represent. That’s when he became an activist, a volunteer, and a leader. He became a voice. 

He believes that Sanad changed a perception; as a part of this cause, he’s not a receiver anymore, but a doer. He tells us, "There was variety in the forum, which was important to build up for the cause. Before that, we couldn’t speak up. This is one of the best things that Sanad achieved; giving us space to defend our cause. I was an active party, not isolated.” In 2021 Marouane was among the youth consulted while drafting new laws on alternative care; an endeavor that Sanad facilitated in partnership with the Ministry of Social Solidarity and other NGOs. 

In 2022, Marouane joined Mobader (The Initiator); a community leadership program provided by Sanad, to be a leader and an ambassador for the cause. He designed an awareness campaign with his team; Team Nagy (the survivor). Marouane explains “Our campaign was for kids, raising awareness among them about their boundaries, the forms of abuse, how to stop it, and how to communicate that they were abused. It was about how to tell their story and preserve their identity.”  The campaign was 96% successful. It represented a foundational initiative for children to understand the basics of healthy upbringing. 


“Let people notice both your presence and your absence. Don't be faded.” 

In 2018 he decided to study art and theater; his passion, even though It was against the plan set for him. “I spent four years in absolute happiness, studying what I love, being the top of my class, and exploring my artistic abilities,” he says. Marouane’s skills aren’t limited to painting and design; he is also into voice narration, videography, calligraphy, and a zillion more skills.

As a multitalented and a well-oriented artist, he establishes his own brand: M as in Marouane, creating top-notch hand-crafted furniture. He wishes to be rich, only to support his brothers on their own journeys.

“This is the main reason I’m involved with Sanad; I don't want younger generations to suffer. Sanad managed to identify standards of quality regarding caregivers and homes, and they work on its practical execution.” says Marouane. 

Marouane believes that his story is incomplete, which inspires him to find new paths leading to better places, shielded –always– with perseverance and gratitude. 

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