
The Learning and Development Department at Sanad offers numerous educational opportunities to enhance the capabilities of caregivers and workers in the field of alternative parental care, through specialized training programs managed by experts and specialists.

Training Programs include:

Caregiver Training Program:
Aims to empower caregivers to provide comprehensive physical, mental, and emotionalcare that promotes the healthy development of children and youth, while considering the caregiver's impact on their growth and individual needs.

Positive Identity Building Program:
Helps caregivers guide children and youth without parental care in developing a positive identity and addressing their questions about their identity in the right way.

Sexual Education Program:
Raises caregivers' awareness about:
   The importance of proper sexual education from childhood.
   The fundamentals of sexual education across different age stages.
   How to support adolescents in making their own decisions regarding sexual behaviors.

Protection Program:
Aims to introduce caregivers to the basics of child and youth protection in care homes and to empower them to implement effective protection policies and procedures.

Psychological Resilience Foundation Program:
Enhances caregivers' skills to help youth develop a positive self-image and psychological resilience to improve overall mental health.

Advantages of these training programs:

Specialized Programs: Designed specifically for care homes to protect children without parental care, with a focus on the role of caregivers, emotional intelligence, and self-development.
Integrated Scientific Methodology: Based on advanced scientific research in enhancing psychological resilience, sexual education, and understanding identity in a comprehensive way that aligns with local cultures.
Remote Access: Sanad owns an "E-Learning Platform" since 2021, enabling access to the largest number of beneficiaries at the local and regional levels.

The goals of these training programs include:
• Enhancing institutional and financial sustainability.
• Achieving a balance between the human and professional aspects of care.
• Creating a collaborative and supportive work environment.
• Improving the public image of caregivers and enhancing correct caregiving practices.
• Understanding the special needs of children and youth in care homes.
• Effectively organizing volunteer and foster caregiver interventions.
• Ensuring social justice and integrating children and youth into society while ensuring their protection.
• Providing proper sexual education and addressing psychological challenges.

We at Sanad believe that training caregivers helps to enhance the quality of alternative parenting care and have a positive impact on the lives of children and youth.

Caregiver Training Program

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